ShareASale merchants can use Affiliate Program Agreement, PPC rule, Auto Approval, Email Responders, and other effective tools to manage their affiliates.
Affiliate Program Agreement
Program Agreement is another important step that must be taken seriously. List the unwanted terms or conditions in the affiliate program. This agreement is also a legal contract between you and affiliates.
PPC Rule
Here you decide to accept the affiliates who want to join your program and bid on a pay-per-click clause for specific keywords. You can edit these rules at any time, if there are PPC restrictions, they should be included in the agreement.

Note: Most merchants have this rule. For example, merchant don't permit affiliates to use their brands as keywords for PPC.

Auto Approval
Choose Approval Method: auto or manual.
By default, approval is manual. so that you can control your own program to the utmost extent. Shareasale also provides the option of automatically and manually approving affiliates based on the country.
In addition, there is an option to automatically approve/reject based on feedback from other merchants.

However, if you want to recruit affiliates quickly, it is better to set automatic approval.
If you manually approve the application, affiliates who apply for your program will see a pending notification, as shown below:

Email Responders
If you are interested in an affiliate, you can use Email Responder to communicate instantly.
Using Approval Email to send banners and links immediately, so that affiliates can access them without logging in, as shown below.
If you accept someone, inform him about your policy, banner, bonus, commission, promotion methods, and so on.
If you reject an application, send him/her a regret email ( maybe include the reasons).

Learn more about the merchant opportunity on Shareasale
The next step is to install the tracking code.