Don’t use to monetize your site or blog, it will damage your site rank/index and be punished by google. Remove it!
Last month I added Bidevertiser ads code on my Chinese blog and wish earn a little money. After completing ads work, it seems that there are some problem with this:
If I click the blank on my site page, an unknown site will be popped up. And another big problem is: sometimes it will redirect to a new website when I click my left widget ( one of my recent posts). But I didn’t care about these then.

To my surprise, several days later, I got google warning notification: detected sneaky mobile redirects on my site

This email is Chinese. Google said, mobile users see different results from PC users and they will be lead to another page. These page urls are different with what the users see in the search results. So google think my site violate its rules. They don’t allow my site display in search results.
Note: More explanations of sneaky redirects from google

Then I checked my sitemap and index. They are all zero.

I searched my site on google – no any results

Google has already punished and screened my site. All the reasons are Bidvertiser ads. It has some malicious code and ruined my site. I deleted all their ads and resubmit the site to google again. According to google instruction, I submitted the consideration request to google.

Bidvertiser other problem
There will display waning messages when google chrome users visit site including bidvertiser code. This can give them an impression: this site isn’t safe! And they will leave your site instantly.
When I tried to delete its ads code, I found I can’t delete them thoroughly. Even if I delete the plugin, the ads still exist on my site. Finally, I used WP fastest Cache plugin to do this work successfully.

Bidvertiser negative comments
If you search “bidvertiser”, “bidvertiser malicious” or other related keywords on google, you will find many negative comments by people. They encountered the same situation as me.

This is a bad experience for me. ads are not safe and ruin site rank. Compared to your hard writing work, the loss outweighs the gain. If you have already added bidvertiser ads on your site, remove them as soon as possible!